Have you noticed? There are a lot of strange "energies" in the air. Of course, as an astrologer, that rarely surprises me. At this time of year, as the sun moves into Scorpio, there's always a "strangeness" that pervades the air. It is the sense of death and rebirth, the hallmark of Scorpio. If you're lucky enough to have people born at this time of year in your circle of friends, you know. These people, despite all their obstacles and travails, can always make something useful out of what appears to be totally useless.
That's our mission during these weeks, from now until November 21st. Of course, there are obstacles! Planets are not exactly in a state of co-operation at the moment. We must work with what we have, and model ourselves after nature. Although one type of energy, let's say a dog, doesn't necessarily understand or get into the idea of another kind of energy, such as a cat, they can still get along. The key is to explore the unfamiliar, even if it seems "weird." I wish people were more like cats and dogs, or at least mine, who are in the picture. At the moment, with the political season at full tilt and high roar, the nastiness and interpersonal conflict is pretty unbearable. Friends and family members are in various fights to the death over their political beliefs.. It saddens me, but the poison that is the type of religious fervor that leads to war has not been abandoned just because people don't pay much attention to religion anymore. It's been transferred to politics. That makes me sad, more than I have time to express here. Yet, that conflict is also part of this season. The energy of Scorpio takes no prisoners. In the heat of battle, the Scorpion might be crunched, curled, and wind up looking seemingly helpless, but it always unfurls itself, stands on all six legs and regains the capacity to sting again! We are going through so much now as a global community! If anyone really thinks that everything is going to be magically changed after November 4th, they might want to wake up from their fantasy and see the truth. EVERYTHING is changing. The planet is teetering on the brink. There are battles for human dignity on every continent, including, and maybe especially, our own. What's our job, then? Like I said, it's to make something good out of things that seem terrible. Learn to embrace the ones you love, even if they don't agree with you about everything! Look around you, and see what opportunities you can glean from the raw materials of your talent and your ambitions. Send out positive energy to the world, NOW. Rather than bickering on social media, take a moment to connect with the creator and pray for harmony among humanity. Fight for your dignity as a member of the human race, and don't let any kind of political dogma rob you of the ability to think for yourself. OK - I'm done preaching for now. I'll just give you the astro news for the coming several days, up to the Full Moon on October 31st. Sun - in Scorpio. This is the time when we think about how we will survive now that the days are getting shorter. Sun will align tightly with Mercury on the 25th - great for writing and thinking. On the 31st, and during the time of the Full Moon, the sun will oppose Uranus, bringing out the rebels from all corners. Pray that cool heads prevail! The Full Moon, as stated, takes place on October 31st at 8 degrees of Taurus. Gather your creature comforts and make ready for cooler weather, in many senses of the word. Uranus will give everyone the jitters - there will be surprises that may or may not be so pleasant. Mercury - still retrograde, sorry! This mischievous little planet will continue to confound travel, communication, and electronics until that day everyone is so excited about - November 3rd. At least it's a good time to get some written projects done. Venus is going to be somewhat helpful these next several days. A trine to Saturn on the 24th is good for gathering with friends, and as she enters Libra on the 27th, she'll draw attention to what is beautiful and good about life on planet Earth. Mars - also still retrograde, until November 14th. Stuff is just "stuck" right now. Learn, and practice, the difference between assertion and aggression. Apologize to someone who deserves to know you didn't mean to be so pushy. Cultivate patience, and reserve your passion for the art of showing your love. Jupiter - cruising through the last degrees of Capricorn, making earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) happy and giving cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) a gentle but effective kick in the pants. Saturn - Finishing up his journey through Capricorn, once and for all, so if you've been having Saturn transits for the last two years, they'll end very soon. Uranus - still shaking up Taurus, and is in retrograde, asking you to go back and understand what you need to do in order to be set free. Neptune - Dreams are deeper and sleep more precious while Neptune's retrograde continues. It's in Pisces, which gives us the capacity to see far beyond what we're told is "reality.." Taks some time to have an inner vision. Pluto - in Capricorn since 2008, presiding over the process of the decay and rejuvenation of our social, political, and economic systems. The impetus is to let go of, and maybe even destroy institutions and traditions, but the best advice we can get is to be damned careful about what we put in their place. I'm sure there's lots more going on in your life. If you need some guidance, I'm here for you! It's an excellent time to pursue an astrology reading, or explore hypnotherapy, EMDR, or breathwork. Connect with the True Source of all, and know the happiness of realizing, truly, that you are loved, and you will always be protected. Love you!
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Yep. There's nothing like a full moon to get people wondering about whether the lights up in the sky have effects on those of us living below. I've noticed an upswing in people doing new and full moon rituals and holding meetings for their intentions and that's a beautiful thing. However, it's important to remember that while the moon and her cycles are extremely important, that's not all of what's going on.
Our Creator put a lot of celestial bodies in the firmament, and it is our job to raise our awareness to how we can use these energies to rise to our highest purpose. The full moon of October 1st was in the sign of Aries. It tells us to TAKE ACTION. There is an area of life for each of us, depending on our birth charts, that will be particularly activated and incentivized. You need to know you ASCENDING SIGN in order to determine that. As I said at the top of this post, the moon is just one part of the story. This month is filled with incentivizing forces, and it's imperative for us to be aware of them. On October 4th, Pluto will come out of the long retrograde period, which began at the end of April. Look for things that have been stalled since then to get restarted, whether for good or not for good. This is something that happens every year. I often call it "Back to School," or "Back to Work." Either way, it's time to take those things you've been thinking about and put them in a more tangible form. Venus enters Virgo on October 2nd. This is a good energy for tidying things up and making them pretty - you know, changing your environment and making it more about fall and winter than spring and summer. It's also a lovely time to go through your list of friends and get back in touch with people you may not have been in contact with since the pandemic started. Venus will remain in Virgo until October 29th. Then, of course...there's Mercury retrograde. I don't know about you, but I already feel this one coming. Electronics are breaking down and doing weird things, and I keep putting things in dumb places, making it hard to find them again. The retrograde begins officially on October 13th. Between now and then, prepare by tending to anything you have that deals with transportation, electronic equipment, making travel arrangements, and signing contracts. You can deal with these matters during the retrograde period, so there's no need to crawl under a rock. However, the frustrations you can feel with this annoying influence might make you wish you had. Mercury will be in Scorpio during this retrograde, and will even slip back into Libra. If you have any planets or points of your chart in those signs, you'll feel this retrograde in spades. Just like the full moon, the "house," or area of life where these signs are will tell you more about how the retrograde will affect you. Check your own chart, or if you don't know how, schedule an appointment and I'll get you acquainted! This October is going to be all about the November election, but let's not get into that! I will simply tell you that the Mercury retrograde will end on...get ready... November 3rd! I'm not going there. In general, the best I can tell you is get ready to start things up with Pluto's push...and prepare for Mercury retrograde, remembering all the great things you can do while Mercury looks like it's moving in reverse. Finish a project, write, read, study, and really ponder a big decision before you make it! It's also a perfect time for a reading of your astrology chart, do deep work with a regression session, or take an inner journey with breathwork. Book an appointment, and empower yourself now. September 17, 2020
There's a new moon today. That has a ton of meaning for so many people, but I want to tell you what it means to me, on this day, in this time. I have been called to emerge from the shadows, where I've been percolating for a few years now. I have remained quiet, at least publicly, about cosmic events and the other activities astrologers mull over and muse about. For years, I wrote simple sun sign horoscopes and made videos for public consumption, and I did love doing it. I'm so grateful for the people who told me that it helped them. But, at one point, I was directed to go within. I did just that, keeping my observations close to the vest, and mostly musing to myself, my clients, and a few close friends. Now it's come to a point where I am being directed, once again, to allow ideas and words to speak through me so that others can find their way through the storm that is upon us. It's nearly impossible, as a card-carrying star gazer, to ignore the profound events that have shaped this year so far, Many years ago, I remember looking at the tables of the planets and their astronomical meanderings through the zodiac, and wondering what the *%&& would happen in 2020. Now we're finding out. There is so much. You can see it if you do so much as expose yourself to what they call "the news." You can feel it, even if you're not a psychic or sensitive. And, if you are, WOW, the messages being spewed from the heavens are coming at a rate so fast and furious, it's almost impossible to process them all. Rather than bore you or scare you with what astrologers can see about this year, these times, and what is to come, I will simply offer here, on some sort of regular basis (yet to be determined) an overview of what is going on in the skies, and how that activity may influence life on earth. It is my hope that by responding to the planet's shenanigans, rather than simply reacting to them, you can live a better and more productive life. ASTROLOGY NOW To begin: It's no longer summer, really. It's time for us to get our acts together. If you think you went "back to school" a few weeks ago, when the online classrooms connected and some actually got sent off to school, you haven't yet seen the entirety of the wave of motivation that is being placed under us by forces that have much influence over us.. Of course, the new moon that's coming heralds the beginning of the High Holy Days in the Jewish faith. Our forefathers (and foremothers) most certainly knew what they were doing by choosing this auspicious time for such a beautiful celebration. At this time of year, summer is over, we have to harvest the food and begin to prepare for the cycle of regeneration and renewal. The planets will most certainly be aiding us in this process, this fall. Here is a run-down of some significant upcoming planetary events, and what they might feel like for you. September 17: New moon in Virgo The impulse will be to get organized. Start projects that will enable you to have everything in its place. Then, ask the Universe, "How can I serve you?" Listen for answers. Then use your talents to help push this world, while it is on the brink of darkness, back toward the Light. September 21: Mercury square Pluto Ironically, this date is also the "International Day of Peace." Don't tell that to these two planetary powerhouses. Expect conflicts that have been brewing in the background to come to the surface. Mars is in retrograde now, moving backward from our standpoint. The warrior god is sucking up the energy of its most fiery zodiacal realm, Aries. Pluto continues to disintegrate and denigrate the structure of Capricorn - government, banks, corporations, and society itself. Think back to the way the world was in 2007. Remember what happened when Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008. There is more of that to come. Protect yourself by maintaining an even demeanor, and accepting change. However, if you decide to tear something down, be damned careful about what you build in its place. September 22: Sun enters Libra - The Autumnal Equinox The official start of fall enlivens us with a sense of ease and motivation. We sense that it's time to start things. We're no longer overheated and moving slowly. Our schedules get more filled and there's a sense that time is marching on. Oh, indeed it is. Make sure that you're spending your time connected with the force of Godliness inside you, that will bring peace to yourself and all those around you. September 24: Mercury opposite Mars Words can hurt, and if ever there is going to be a day when people will use words to inflict damage, it could be this one. Be careful about what you say, even to yourself. All talk should be positive and motivational, not critical or even self-deprecating. Honor your body by being careful when you're in motion. Accidents can happen, and they often do when these two planets decide to get engaged in a game of one-upmanship. September 27: Mercury enters Scorpio When Mercury brings his little suitcase to the house filled with Mars' nighttime, ninja-like energy, "planning" is a good thing to do. Just make sure it doesn't morph into a process of "plotting." Acts of insatiable revenge could be abrew. Watch your back. September 29: Saturn stations to direct motion This means it's coming out of retrograde. It's a perfect day for starting a project...or it would be if Mars were not aggravating Saturn just as the Great Teacher emerges from his slumber. It's a time when what you start may not get off the ground right away. It doesn't mean you shouldn't make the effort. You can begin, and know that to get the results you want, you will have to put in a great deal of hard work. That takes us to the end of the month of September, but just so you can prepare, here are some things coming up as October begins: October 1 - Full Moon in Aries October 2 - Venus enters Virgo October 4 - Pluto stations to direct motion (NOW, the fun really begins) and...everyone should know this...Mercury will go retrograde on October 13. There's more, and I hope to share it with you on my next foray into the blogosphere. If you like this blog post, please let me know - and if you want to know how these and the many planetary energies that are affecting Mother Earth and her inhabitants at this time, please book an appointment. I'd love to help you serve the Universe with all your beautiful talents and the incredible and bottomless well of love you hold in your hearts. What do you see in this picture? A buried treasure? A fallen tree? Look closer. Do you see several (or any) faces formed by the wood, the bark, the light and the shadows?
Most of us are constantly looking for that one thing that we "all" see, because we have such a strong desire to be what we would consider to be "normal." Some of us are more willing to look beyond the obvious than others, but most of us know there is not really any one way to be "normal." What would you say if I told you that if I were to ask each person who sees this post what he or she sees, they would tell me something totally different? But, if we were in a group together, it would be more likely that people would follow one another in their interpretation. The consensus would probably be: "Oh. It's a dead, decomposing tree!" I won't deny there's a decomposing tree in that photo, Yet, there is so much more. When I give myself permission to see beyond what I think I'm expected to perceive, I do see those faces, shapes, and even shapes that could be spirits; and I certainly felt their presence when I took that picture. Am I delusional? I assure you, no. But...I am determined to live my life beyond the general consensus. I want to follow the call of the very highest part of my being. You probably want to ask "Why?" Well, I have lived much of my life shutting out the heightened awareness I am describing here, and as I grew older, I've learned to live in it and embrace it. At this point, there is no going back. I submit, moment by moment to living in a state of seeing the connections and reading the omens. What is this state I'm talking about? It is the transpersonal approach to life. According to most definitions, including the one found in Wikipedia, the transpersonal approach to psychology, and life, integrates spiritual awareness with normal waking consciousness. Have you ever had an experience of being "in the zone?" Maybe you were riding your exercise bike, playing tennis, or cranking out a killer email for your corporation. You could also have been praying, meditating, singing, dancing, or communing with nature. The feeling of having every part of your being totally aligned with what you want to be doing in any given moment in time can make you aware of that spiritual essence, that spark of the Divine that is at the core of your being. You can even grow to see there's a difference between the "spirit" you are and the "personality" you present to friends, colleagues, and family. It might feel safe and comfortable to live in normal waking consciousness, going through the motions, doing what you're "supposed" to do more than what you want to do, and talking more frequently about facts and things than perceptions or feelings. Many of the people who come to me for coaching have lived life like they were "normal," but then they reach a certain point where they realize there is so much more to being alive. That's when they can benefit from learning how to get "in the zone" through transpersonal techniques. Once you can train yourself to establish constant contact with that higher part of your nature, your whole life changes. Rather than letting your actions be dictated by what the rest of the world might think, you begin to be directed by a wise inner voice that keeps you on your life's path, doing what you love and using your talents to your full potential. While it's never easy to change the way you live, it's even more difficult to remain unhappy. Many of my clients, by most measures, are extremely successful. Still, they knew some things were missing from their lives. When they opened up to learning about the transpersonal approach to living, life started to make more sense. maybe they gained the courage to enter into a relationship; or they came to realize they weren't meant to be married. Job changes, new friends, fun activities, a better spiritual life, greater prosperity, and better health are just some of the life experiences clients have acquired once they learned more about the transpersonal way of life. It really isn't hard to do, and I'm very well-equipped and ready to help you change the way you live, right now. There is one thing I want to warn you about, though. Once you have allowed yourself to observe the world in a more unified and spiritual way, you cannot "un-see." You're going to have to stay in an elevated state of mastery, contentment, and satisfaction. You may not be the same as you once were, but you will become the best kind of human being you can be! Are you ready to do that? Good. Click on the link to my website, and let's get you in the zone now! www.empowermentcoachjudi.com |
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